
You have a great organization and a worthy cause. You want to raise funds but you don't have the expertise or the time. That's where Process Donation comes in. We'll help you create a campaign with your unique name and image, keeping your theme consistent throughout. While you focus on your organization's core goals, we will make your fundraising easy! Read More

Do you have to send out thank you emails to donors? Do you have to update your members about a new additional capability? Do you need to send reminders about upcoming deadlines? Don't worry. Process Donation has got you covered! We give your organization the ability to reach out to members and donors with information such as new initiatives, fundraising.... Read More

Our solution provides a highly intuitive interface that will help your supporters create campaigns to support your cause on the fly, share them on social media and become contributors to your campaign! This will multiply your reach, helping you connect with a bigger audience, faster. Increase your popularity and your funds with Process Donation! Read More

Our Events & Registrations feature combines advanced functionality with a user-friendly interface, letting you design a customized and easy to use registration process for your guests. Our solution simplifies the process of selling tickets and registering guests significantly thereby increasing the attendance to your events. Read More